The Occasional Human Sacrifice – Carl Elliott

The Auckland Women’s Health Council is extremely grateful to Prof. Carl Elliott for offering to give a free public talk on his latest book, The Occasional Human Sacrifice, on the 5th of August.

Together with the Health Consumer Advocacy Alliance, Auckland Women’s Health Council had the honour of co-presenting this event.

Carl’s talk was held on the evening of the 5th of August 2024, the 36th anniversary of the release of the Cartwright Report. This was an ideal opportunity to remmeber the victims of Aotearoa New Zealand’s infamous episode of unethical medical experimentation, and Carl’s book and talk feature whistleblower Dr Ron Jones and the ‘unfortunate experiment’.

There were many people who couldn’t make it to the talk, and we are pleased to present the video of Carl’s talk here. We thank AWHC Committee member, Nicky Power, and Orlando Stewart for videoing the talk; and we are immensely grateful to Orlando (of Stella Maris Production) for his editing and post-production work that enable us to share the video.

Watch the video below, or click here to read a review of his book.

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