Become a Member

Are you passionate about women’s health and making a difference in the lives of others? Do you want to advocate for women’s health at a local and national level? We invite applications for new members to help direct the Auckland Women’s Health Council. Membership is open to individual women and community groups who support the Council’s philosophy. 

To become a member of the Auckland Women’s Health Council you must support the philosophy of the organisation. We believe:

  • Women users of health services have the right to make informed decisions regarding their own health care and treatment.
  • Women have the right to the information necessary to enable them to make informed decisions.
  • Health care must be accessible, affordable and available as well as culturally appropriate and acceptable to women.
  • Consumer participation on all decision-making processes for health care services is essential.

As a member you get: first notice of our events, our bi-monthly Newsletter direct into your email inbox and the opportunity to contribute to to the direction and focus of the council when it comes to women’s health issues.

Membership confers voting rights on individual members. Affiliated group membership does not include voting rights. Membership applications are considered at Council meetings and decided by consensus.

Email us at or complete the membership form below. Membership applications are considered at Council meetings and decided by consensus. We’ll contact you when we receive your application.

Interested in making a donation? The AWHC relies on grants/community funding and donations to continue its work. If you would like to make a monetary donation to help us continue our work, use the button at the top of the page to see the two options for making donations.

Membership Form

Philosophy of the Auckland Women's Health Council (see above)

Membership Type

I am interested in contributing to the following aspects of running the AWHC

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