2022 Newsletters
February-March 2022
April-May 2022
Congratulations, Dr Ron Jones!
The Power of Advocacy + an update on Pae Ora
Periods Aiding Injury Recovery Research?
Looking After Mothers is What is Best for Babies
The End of the NZ Medical Association
Calling all New Zealanders Affected by Surgical Mesh!
Hippocrasy: how doctors are betraying their oath
Accessible MS Word version of Newsletter for blind/low vision readers
Equity Vs. Equality
The Barriers to and Possibilities for Indigenising Healthcare
Patient Rights: Informed Consent in our Teaching Hospitals
Birth Injury, ACC and Surgical Mesh
Te Whatu Ora and Consumer Representation
Accessible MS Word version of Newsletter for blind/low vision readers
Women’s Health Strategy Update
Inclusivity and Maternity Services
State ‘Sanctioned’ Mesh Harm
Te Pae Tata | The Interim New Zealand Health Plan
Endometrial ablation: another bloody disaster for women’s health
The Therapeutic Products Bill Progress at Last
Consumer Health Forum Aotearoa Hui
Australia’s Women’s Health Advisory Council
Accessible MS Word version of Newsletter for blind/low vision readers