2017 Newsletters
February 2017
A review of Ron Jones’ book “Doctors in Denial.”
An apology from RANZCOG at the book launch
Breast implants linked to a rare form of cancer
March-April 2017
Big Shoes to Fill: changing of the guard
HDC Consultation on Non-Consensual Research: informed consent and medical experiments
HPV Vax for Boys: changes to the HPV vaccine schedule
Still a Long Way to Go: informed consent and medical experiments… again!
Over-the-Counter Contraceptives
Abortion Supervisory Committee Report 2016
Sad Loss of Breast Cancer Network
May-June 2017
PHARMAC rejects funding for sanitary products
Young Women and Breast Cancer
AWHC Annual Report
Are NZ Primary Schools Ready for Early Puberty?
Worries and Warm Fuzzies
Mammograms: Are we over-diagnosing small tumours?
Review of the National Ethics Advisory Committee
Health and National’s May Budget
Health Policy for the Upcoming Election
Lynda's Newsletter
This edition of the newsletter is a special tribute to Lynda Williams.